
Notable Quotables: B-Sharps Style

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"You could get a job at Sharper Image!"
(Ben Pagliaro)
Danny: If you don't come to rehearsal, I will make sure you never have children again
Jordan: And if you do come to rehearsal, Danny will impregnate you
"What do you expect me to say? It's bad"

"Ya know when he blows his nose he just puts a tissue over his finger and picks his nose. And he does it for ten minutes and when he's done he gives a quick little blow, like, who are you kiddding man?!?!?!"
(Todd Levine)

"Collectively. Buhahahaaha."
(Todd Levine)
"Hold on guys my music just exploded!"
(Todd Levine)
"My heart just went into overdrive!"
(Danny Springer)
"Funny story about the baritone section.  I heard them singing weird notes and I was like 'What are you guys singing?' and they're like 'The new baritone part.  We made it last week when you weren't here.'  So I was like, 'What is it?' and they said 'We don't know'"
(Todd Levine)
"If I were the king of the fairies, I'll tell you what I'd do!"
(Ben Pagliaro)
"Wait, I'm a music manager?"
(Josh Mass)
"I was thinking of the disease that gives you seizures and I was about to say necrophilia.  I remembered it was epilepsy."
(Todd Levine)
Chocolate...I remember Chocolate
(Ethan Roberts)
Did she chime you're grandfather clock?....
(Ethan Roberts)
...Did she she stroke you're tallywacker?
(Harrison Chad)